Simple JavaScript
- JavaScript高级程序设计,第3版
- JavaScript: The Good Parts
- JavaScript: The Definitive Guide
- Learning Advanced JavaScript
- Elogquent JavaScript
- JavaScript Garden
- 数据结构与算法JavaScript描述
- 编写可维护的JavaScript
- Effective JavaScript
- 重新介绍JavaScript
Key points
- MDN: JavaScript入门
- JavaScript性能优化:加载和执行
- MDN: JavaScript正则表达式
- MDN: query selector
- MDN: Cookie
- w3school: Ajax基础教程
- Blog: 使用原生JavaScript封装Ajax
- Comet: 基于HTTP长连接的“服务器push”技术
- jsfiddle: a simple countdown timer
- Simple Ajax Auto-Complete Example
- Tutorial: 使用原生JavaScript从0开始开发一个轮播图
- 5个经典的JavaScript面试题
- 鸟哥:理解JavaScript的作用域
- JavaScript 开发进阶:理解 JavaScript 作用域和作用域链
- Understanding JavaScript Prototypes
- A Plain Guide to JavaScript Prototypes
- 详解JavaScript的函数闭包
- Revealing the Inner Workings of JavaScript's 'this' keyword
- JavaScript like a Boss: Understanding Fluent APIs
- stackoverflow: Storing Objects in HTML5 localStorage
- stackoverflow: Copying array by value in JavaScript